Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Read Psalm 34:15-22.

1. What kind of shopper are you?

a. I try to not step foot in stores and if shopping is to be done I try to delegate that task to another in the family or perhaps shop online.

b. I only shop for tools or sporting goods.

c. I “conquer” when shopping. I find what I need quickly and get out of the store.

d. I do some shopping but it is really not ‘my thing.’

e. I enjoy shopping and trying to find the best buys.

f. Coupons, it’s definitely about coupons.

g. I like to shop until I drop. I believe in ‘retail therapy.’

2. When shopping, we make many choices. How do you make decisions when shopping? What kinds of things do you think about?

3. Read Psalm 1. Note how many choices the writer has explained in this Psalm. What are those choices?

4. What are the results of the choices made in Psalm 1 – for the “righteous”, and for the “wicked”?

5. According to Romans 3:10, who is righteous?

6. Read Romans 5:19 and Ephesians 2:8,9. Knowing that we all, at times, do this that are wrong and hurt the heart of God, how can we, as believers in Christ, be considered “righteous?”

7. Read Romans 1:17. By what does the righteous live?

8. What does Psalm 34:15 and 17 tell us about God’s character? What is promised, and to whom is the promise made?

9. Carefully read Psalm 34:18. What is this promise? In this context what does it mean that the “Lord is near?

10. The New Living Translation tells us that the Lord “rescues” those who are crushed in spirit. Have you experienced what it means to be “crushed in spirit” and have had the Lord “rescue” you? Can you share about this time and how your faith was impacted as a result?

11. What do these promises regarding the Lord helping the righteous pertain to your life? How does an increased understanding of God’s help and deliverance make a difference in your life?

12. If someone who is going through a difficult time this week shared their troubles with you, what would you draw from this study that would help them and give them hope? If this person was not a Christian, would you be able to share how to have a saving relationship with Christ? What words would you use? What Bible verses would you offer?