Friday, December 9, 2011

Making Messes

Sermon: Genealogy of Grace

1. Do you have siblings or are you an only child? If you have siblings, how many – and where are you in the “line up?” Do you like your placement in “the birth order” in your family? Would you trade if you had the opportunity?

2. As a child, what is the biggest “mess” you ever made and had to clean up?

3. Read Genesis 12:1-3. We are introduced to Abram and we read that God calls him and then gives Abram some specific instructions. After that God makes Abram some fantastic promises! What does God tell Abram to do?

4. What does God promise Abram?

5. Read Genesis 21:1-7. What did the Lord do?

6. As we heard in Sunday’s sermon, Abraham was very human. He made some big mistakes and more than that he did some things that were downright sinful. What does Romans 3:10-12 say about all human beings?

7. Yet, God was faithful to His promise to Abraham. Read Genesis 15:5-6. What was Abram’s response to God’s promise to him?

8. Faith is more than intellectual belief. It is defined as more of a complete trust. In believing in the One in whom we have faith, we act upon that trust. Our lives are different because of that faith. How important is our faith to God?

9. Read Ephesians 2:8-9. By what are we saved? And what is our response to be?

10. Read I John 1:9. Whom does our forgiveness depend upon? According to this verse, what is our part of the equation?

11. Read Acts 3:25-26. We continue to be blessed today by God’s goodness because of the promises He made to Abraham. These promises were not because of anything Abraham did, or any other human being’s goodness, but soley because of God’s grace. Grace is undeserved favor. Can you share some ways in which God’s grace (undeserved blessings and undeserved pardon) has been given to you?