Friday, June 18, 2010

Colossians 2:1-5 The Frog and the Ducks

Colossians 2:1-5

1. What is your favorite frog story? Consider this one:
The story is told of two ducks and a frog who lived happily together in a farm pond. The best of friends, the three would amuse themselves and play together in their waterhole. When the hot summer days came, however, the pond began to dry up, and soon it was evident they would have to move. This was no problem for the ducks, who could easily fly to another pond. But the frog was stuck. So it was decided that they would put a stick in the bill of each duck that the frog could hang onto with his mouth as they flew to another pond. The plan worked well--so well, in fact, that as they were flying along a farmer looked up in admiration and mused, "Well, isn't that a clever idea! I wonder who thought of it?" The frog said, "I did..."[1]

2. Read Colossians 2:1-5. The Apostle Paul obviously has some deep concerns for the church at Colosse. Paul did not found this church and had not met most of its people. Yet he felt an ardent connection, responsibility and exhibited a shepherd’s protective heart in his feelings for the Colossian Christians. Upon the first reading of this passage what may have been the nature of his concerns?

3. According to this section of Scripture, where is true wisdom and knowledge found?

4. What is the nature of Paul’s concerns in verse 4?

5. Paul was concerned because the church at Colosse faced a serious theological threat[2] in the form of a heresy. Webster’s 1913 Dictionary gives this definition of heresy: Religious opinion opposed to the authorized doctrinal standards of any particular church, especially when tending to promote schism or separation;…”[3]

The form of heresy facing the Colossian church came in the form of Gnosticism which claimed a exclusive knowledge and special spiritual experience. People caught up in this heresy were proud of how much they thought they knew, looking upon themselves as spiritually elite. The point was to make other believers feel inferior in their faith. According to I Corinthians 8:1 what is the outcome of knowledge simply for knowledge’s sake?

6. Why is spiritual pride so dangerous?

7. Read II Corinthians 12:1-10. The Apostle Paul was given a special spiritual experience from the Lord. According to verse 7, what else did the Lord give Paul and why?

8. Author F. F. Bruce tells us, “Paul learned to accept this physical affliction, whatever its precise nature, as a prophylactic against the spiritual pride that was prone to beset those who had made the heavenly ascent. If ever he was tempted to rely on the “abundance of revelations” received then, the thorn in the flesh would remind him to rely on the Lord alone, apart from whose grace he would be useless.”[4] Why was it important that Paul stay humble? What might have happened if Paul fell into spiritual pride? What would the impact of that pride have on his personal ministry relationships? His shepherding of the churches? The growth of Christianity?

9. Another quote by F.F. Bruce tells us of the dangers of spiritual pride today. “Some people today, as then, love to make a parade of exceptional piety. They claim to have found the way to a higher plane of spiritual experience, as though they had been initiated into sacred mysteries which given them an almost infinite advantage over the uninitiated. Others are all too prone to be impressed by such people. But Paul warns them against being misled by such lofty claims. Those who make them, for all their lofty pretensions, for all their boasting of the special insight which they have received into divine reality, are simply inflated by unspiritual pride and are out of touch with Him who is the true Head and Fount of life and knowledge.” Explain in your own words what you think could happen if influential individuals who are out of touch with the heart of Christ were allowed to gain control in a church?Does your answer give you insight to the concerns of Paul?

10. Pastor David pointed out in Sunday’s message that the false teachings were poisoning the early church at Colosse. What in his message and in this study give you insight into the concerns of Paul for the Colossian church and the concern that pastors, leaders and shepherds have for the believers entrusted to their care?

11. Read II Timothy 3:16-17. Since warnings against heresy and false teachers are clearly spoken about in Scripture, what is the application today? Why do you feel it is important to study and understand the Bible? Why is it important to gather with other believers in a church setting and study the Bible together? What impact does humbly seeking God’s truth through His Word have on your relationships? Your role in the body of Christ? The growth of Christianity in this community?

[1] Today in the Word, April, 1989, p. 34.
[2] Melick, Richard R. Jr. The New American Commentary – Philippians, Colossians, Philemon 170;
[4] Bruce, F. F. Bibliotheca Sacra – July-September 1984